Welcome to the American CME EMS Knowledge Assessment Platform (KAP)

Our new Custom Education platform designed for knowledge assessments is here.

What is the A/cme EMS KAP?

Quality Assurance / Quality Improvement (QA/QI) is a vital component to improving any EMS system. An EMS QA/QI program should include assessing the knowledge of their EMS providers. However, identifying what EMS providers know or don’t know can be a very tricky and expensive task. In many cases, most EMS agencies do not have the time, money or other necessary resources to facilitate this vital role. The A/cme EMS KAP is an easy to use and cost effective web-based tool that measures and evaluates the comprehension of EMS providers. This platform offers any EMS agency or multi-agency EMS system with a reliable and easy to use format that specifically identifies the cognitive strengths and weaknesses of their EMS providers.

How does the A/cme EMS KAP work?

Any EMS agency or multi-agency EMS system can purchase the use of this platform. The process of how it works is very simple:

  1. PLAN: EMS administrators identify the knowledge they would like to assess.
  2. DESIGN: EMS administrators create knowledge assessments along with the corresponding assessment questions and answers.
  3. ASSESS: EMS providers log-in and complete an EMS knowledge assessment.
  4. ANALYZE: EMS administrators measure and evaluate the knowledge assessment results. The knowledge assessment results provide a simple item analysis, which identifies the specific strengths and weaknesses of their EMS personnel.
  5. ACT: Identify, develop and deploy specific education to improve deficiencies and sustain strengths.

What is the effect of the A/cme EMS KAP on your local EMS system?

This platform adds value to any EMS QA/QI program by identifying individual and system-wide strengths and weaknesses of EMS provider knowledge. Any EMS agency or multi-agency EMS system can use A/cme EMS KAP to target and improve specific weaknesses without spending too much time and money.